Notice | Aviso

R.E., Catechism Resgistratio Are Closed For This Year

We Will Post The 2025-26 Registration Dates in July 2025.

Please be on the lookout.

Registraciones Para Catecismo y E.R. Ya Se Cerraron

Anunciaremos Las Registraciones Para 2025-26 En El Mes De Julio 2025.

Por favor, estar atentos.

The Blessed Sacrament is exposed every Thursday at Saint John Bosco Chapel from 9am-4pm.

El Santisimo Sacramento esta expuesto todos los Jueves en la capilla de San Juan Bosco de 9am-4pm

Contact Info | Información de Contacto

Here to help you and your family grow in faith

St. Catherine of Siena is a parish community which walks in line with the tradition of The Holy Catholic Church. Father Saenz and Father Gilbert lead their parish community members in prayer and charity.

Santa Catalina de Siena es una comunidad parroquial que camina en línea de la tradición de La Santisima Iglesia Catolica. El Padre Sáenz y el Padre Gilbert dirigen a los miembros de la comunidad parroquial en oración y caridad.

St. Catherine of Siena Catholic School exists to educate students and families to integrate knowledge and the Catholic faith, in all matters, in order to know, love, and serve God. We offer Elementary school.

La escuela católica de Santa Catalina de Siena existe para educar a los estudiantes y las familias para integrar el conocimiento y la fe católica, en todos los asuntos, con el fin de conocer, amar y servir a Dios. Ofrecemos escuela primaria.

Office Hours | Horas de Oficina

Monday - Thursday: 9:00AM to 4:00PM
(Closed 12:00PM to 1:00PM for lunch)

Friday, Saturday, Sunday: Closed

Address | La Dirección

Parish Office:
6600 S. Central Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85042

St. Catherine Church:
6200 S. Central Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85042

St. John Bosco Chapel:
6600 S. Central Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85042

Phone/Email | Teléfono/Email

Phone: (602) 276-5581



Mass & Confession | Misas & Confesiones

Mass and Confession take place at St. Catherine of Siena Church unless noted.
  • English Saturday: 4:30PM
    Sunday: 6:30AM & 10:00AM
  • Español Sábado: 5:45PM
    Domingo: 7:50am, 11:15AM, 12:30PM & 1:45PM
  • Bilingual Monday - Friday: 8:00AM
    Lunes - Viernes: 8:00AM

    1st. Saturday: 8:00AM
    1er. Sábado: 8:00AM
  • Confessions Saturday: 2:00PM - 4:00PM
    (St. Catherine)

    Sabado: 2:00PM - 4:00PM
    (St. Catherine)

Join Our Parish | Únete a Nuestra Parroquia

Join Our Community and Stay Connected with the Latest Information and News.

Be Holy
(Ser Santo)

Remember to be patient, kind and understandable above all else.

Recuerde ser paciente, amable y comprensible por encima de todo.

Be Reverent
(Ser Reverente)

Always convey your profound adoring awed respect to God.

Transmita siempre su profundo respeto reverencial a Dios.

Dress Modestly
(Vestir Modestamente)

"Glorify God in your body, and in your spirit" (1 Corinthians 6:20)

"Glorificad, pues, a Dios en vuestro cuerpo y en vuestro espíritu" (1 Corintios 6:20)

Volunteer | Voluntario

Get Involved in the Community and Reach Out to Those in Need

Our community is rich and vibrant with many opportunities to contribute your time and talent. We have numerous options available for you to exercise the act of charity whether you're looking to refine your leadership skills or simply looking to offer up your much needed time.

Nuestra comunidad es rica y vibrante con muchas oportunidades para contribuir con su tiempo y talento. Tenemos numerosas opciones disponibles para que usted ejerza el acto de caridad, ya sea que busque refinar sus habilidades de liderazgo o simplemente quiera ofrecer el tiempo que tanto necesita.


Collection Counters, Bulletin Stuffing, General Parish Office Support

Faith Formation

Catechists, Catechist Assistants, Planners, Organizers


Event Planners, Cooks, Hosts, Servers, Speakers


Altar Servers, Lectors, Sacristans, Eucharistic Ministers

Reach Out to Us | Llegar a Nosotros

Find Out How You Can Serve God

Our Gallery | Nuestro Galería

Enjoy Pictures of Our Church and Community

Latest Updates | Últimas Actualizaciones

Some Of The Recent Stories